Start With a Foundation Meeting to Define Your Show

Boomer Elmsdale

A foundation meeting is the best way to get started. Whether you are developing a podcast, zoom panel, article series or video production, start with a foundation meeting. 

The learnings from your foundation meeting will ultimately feed into your treatment and show development.  A foundation meeting is an important part of your media production.

Once you get your show in the air, up and running smoothly, then you will host production meetings.  The foundation meeting is a great way to get it all out in one sitting. Plan on at least one production meeting per week once the show is occurring regularly.

Elements of a foundation meeting

Identify Objective – what do you want your media to result in?

Start by exploring the objective of your media messages. Think through your products and services. How will your audience react in the best case scenario? You will want to craft you show to drive these results.  Simultaneously, it is impossible to control the outcome of a media production in every way.  Plan to revisit your objective as you see your audience adjust to the media and respond.

Target Audience – who is your media designed to engage?

Define your target audience?  Some people say the target audience is obviously our customer base. This can work great. On the other hand, media can be used to help in any area of your business. We have seen clients target their own employees to drive an objective, or partner channels, or the general public. Start with your objective and then move to the target audience.  Your content (media production) can help build a relationship and shape views within your target audience.  Establish what you want them to do when they hear your show and start following it.

Differentiator – how are you different from the competition?

A differentiator is important in  your product and services, just like it is important for your media offerings. What sets you apart from your competition, as you reach to build a relationship with your target audience. Take a look at what other people are doing.  Decide whether you like it or not.

Top 3 Sales points – support your differentiator

Clearly list your top 3 sales points that support your differentiator and help propose value.  What are they? Write them out. Start to visualize where you can emphasize this with your target audience.

Schedule: episodes and phasing

Consider how many episodes you plan to release, and think about phasing, where you release a set of episodes and then measure results. Plan to release episodes by phases to stay connected with your audience. It may seem great to release an episode every week when you first start. Consider whether that is realistic. Like most aspects of business, you will want to fulfill your promises to your audience just like you want to exceed expectations with customers.  Don’t bite off more than you can chew.